Copeland German School

 We Offer German language Course from A1-B2 levels.

We help you to speak German with ease after three months of training.

Our intensive classes are as follows; 

6 weeks course for A1 Course is 50,000

6 weeks course for A2 level is 70,000

6 weeks course for B1 level is 100,000

6 weeks course for B2 level is 120,000

Non intenstive classes;

3 months course for A1 is 60,000

3 months course for A2 is 80,000

3 months course for B1 is 120,000

3 months course for B2 is 150,000

German Proficiency Exam Preparatory Class is 20,000.

Materials for learning is available for e-learning and offline. You can make payments into our designated account upon Enquires and conclusion. 

German A1 material is available with past questions and answers...

The same with A2 -B2 materials for learning German/Deutsch with ease.

For Visa application and consultation, call us on 07034653942, 09026228801. 


We offer you the best learning kits with qualified tutors to help you, achieve your purpose of studying, living and working overseas, (Germany). 

Visit us today @ 116 Awka Road Onitsha, Anambra State.


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