We Offer German language Course from A1-B2 levels. We help you to speak German with ease after three months of training. Our intensive classes are as follows; 6 weeks course for A1 Course is 50,000 6 weeks course for A2 level is 70,000 6 weeks course for B1 level is 100,000 6 weeks course for B2 level is 120,000 Non intenstive classes; 3 months course for A1 is 60,000 3 months course for A2 is 80,000 3 months course for B1 is 120,000 3 months course for B2 is 150,000 German Proficiency Exam Preparatory Class is 20,000. Materials for learning is available for e-learning and offline. You can make payments into our designated account upon Enquires and conclusion. German A1 material is available with past questions and answers... The same with A2 -B2 materials for learning German/Deutsch with ease. For Visa application and consultation, call us on 07034653942, 09026228801. Email: copelandlanguagecenter@gmail.com We offer you the best learning kits with qualified tuto...
The winner of the Powerball lottery has, in an instant, amassed a bigger fortune than some of the biggest celebs in the universe. Someone in Massachusetts hit the jackpot ... $758.7 MILLION. The maximum federal tax rate is just shy of 40% and the max Massachusetts tax rate is a hair over 5%. So, assuming the winner took the lifetime payout, he or she would score roughly $417 MILLION after taxes. If they went for the lump sum ... it's less, but still filthy, stinking rich. Source TMZ.